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Om mig

We are a family of four living in Taastrup. I am American and my husband is Danish. We are looking for someone to help with our two sons (ages 3 and 1) while I am working on my doctorate Wednesday evenings. We are looking for someone who can help between 5pm - 9pm and are open to 4:30pm - 9:30pm for the right fit. We pl an to expand to include at least one date night weekly as well if we find a good rhythm with a consistent sitter. Child-Related Tasks: * Playing, Reading, Speaking * Laundry, Room/Toy Organizing * Cleaning/Tidying * Occasionally: Cooking or Grocery Shopping We are a bilingual household. My native language is English and my husband’s is Danish. Our children speak both fluently. Multilingualism is important to us, and our 3YO loves learning languages. Spanish is important to us as we have many friends back home who only speak Spanish. That being said, we would love for the boys to be able to make new friends through learning other languages, too. Please let me know if you are interested, what your rates would be and if you would like to connect via Zoom or Google meet for a preliminary meeting to learn more about each other and what the role might entail. Thank you for your time, Monique, Louis, Bjørn & Viggo


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2630 - Taastrup

Om mig

We are a family of four living in Taastrup. I am American and my husband is Danish. We are looking for someone to help with our two sons (ages 3 and 1) while I am working on my doctorate Wednesday evenings. We are looking for someone who can help between 5pm - 9pm and are open to 4:30pm - 9:30pm for the right fit. We pl an to expand to include at least one date night weekly as well if we find a good rhythm with a consistent sitter. Child-Related Tasks: * Playing, Reading, Speaking * Laundry, Room/Toy Organizing * Cleaning/Tidying * Occasionally: Cooking or Grocery Shopping We are a bilingual household. My native language is English and my husband’s is Danish. Our children speak both fluently. Multilingualism is important to us, and our 3YO loves learning languages. Spanish is important to us as we have many friends back home who only speak Spanish. That being said, we would love for the boys to be able to make new friends through learning other languages, too. Please let me know if you are interested, what your rates would be and if you would like to connect via Zoom or Google meet for a preliminary meeting to learn more about each other and what the role might entail. Thank you for your time, Monique, Louis, Bjørn & Viggo


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2630 - Taastrup

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2 børn — Taastrup

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2 børn — Taastrup

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Om mig

We are a family of four living in Taastrup. I am American and my husband is Danish. We are looking for someone to help with our two sons (ages 3 and 1) while I am working on my doctorate Wednesday evenings. We are looking for someone who can help between 5pm - 9pm and are open to 4:30pm - 9:30pm for the right fit. We pl an to expand to include at least one date night weekly as well if we find a good rhythm with a consistent sitter. Child-Related Tasks: * Playing, Reading, Speaking * Laundry, Room/Toy Organizing * Cleaning/Tidying * Occasionally: Cooking or Grocery Shopping We are a bilingual household. My native language is English and my husband’s is Danish. Our children speak both fluently. Multilingualism is important to us, and our 3YO loves learning languages. Spanish is important to us as we have many friends back home who only speak Spanish. That being said, we would love for the boys to be able to make new friends through learning other languages, too. Please let me know if you are interested, what your rates would be and if you would like to connect via Zoom or Google meet for a preliminary meeting to learn more about each other and what the role might entail. Thank you for your time, Monique, Louis, Bjørn & Viggo


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CheckedPasse flere børn på en gang
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2630 - Taastrup

Om mig

We are a family of four living in Taastrup. I am American and my husband is Danish. We are looking for someone to help with our two sons (ages 3 and 1) while I am working on my doctorate Wednesday evenings. We are looking for someone who can help between 5pm - 9pm and are open to 4:30pm - 9:30pm for the right fit. We pl an to expand to include at least one date night weekly as well if we find a good rhythm with a consistent sitter. Child-Related Tasks: * Playing, Reading, Speaking * Laundry, Room/Toy Organizing * Cleaning/Tidying * Occasionally: Cooking or Grocery Shopping We are a bilingual household. My native language is English and my husband’s is Danish. Our children speak both fluently. Multilingualism is important to us, and our 3YO loves learning languages. Spanish is important to us as we have many friends back home who only speak Spanish. That being said, we would love for the boys to be able to make new friends through learning other languages, too. Please let me know if you are interested, what your rates would be and if you would like to connect via Zoom or Google meet for a preliminary meeting to learn more about each other and what the role might entail. Thank you for your time, Monique, Louis, Bjørn & Viggo


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2630 - Taastrup

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