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Om mig

Darling family: I am a Music Therapist, I am 26 years old. I am from Argentina. Recently I live in Copenaghuen, Norrebro. I considere myself a responsible woman. Punctual, trustworthy. I know how to listen very well and I know how to contain and accompany. Purchasing and easier cleaning are also possible. I have a degr ee in Music Therapy and a specialization in Early Stimulation. I have clinical experience with children with or without disabilities, as well as adolescentes and adults with vulnerability of their rights. I worked in mental health insitutions. During the course of my career I worked as a babysitter for the newborn daughter of two teachers from my career in Rosario, Santa Fe Argentina. I looked after her until she was three years old. I have two small nephews. I have references to Copenhague.




1820 - Norrebro

Om mig

Darling family: I am a Music Therapist, I am 26 years old. I am from Argentina. Recently I live in Copenaghuen, Norrebro. I considere myself a responsible woman. Punctual, trustworthy. I know how to listen very well and I know how to contain and accompany. Purchasing and easier cleaning are also possible. I have a degr ee in Music Therapy and a specialization in Early Stimulation. I have clinical experience with children with or without disabilities, as well as adolescentes and adults with vulnerability of their rights. I worked in mental health insitutions. During the course of my career I worked as a babysitter for the newborn daughter of two teachers from my career in Rosario, Santa Fe Argentina. I looked after her until she was three years old. I have two small nephews. I have references to Copenhague.




1820 - Norrebro

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30 år — Norrebro


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30 år — Norrebro

130 kr

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Om mig

Darling family: I am a Music Therapist, I am 26 years old. I am from Argentina. Recently I live in Copenaghuen, Norrebro. I considere myself a responsible woman. Punctual, trustworthy. I know how to listen very well and I know how to contain and accompany. Purchasing and easier cleaning are also possible. I have a degr ee in Music Therapy and a specialization in Early Stimulation. I have clinical experience with children with or without disabilities, as well as adolescentes and adults with vulnerability of their rights. I worked in mental health insitutions. During the course of my career I worked as a babysitter for the newborn daughter of two teachers from my career in Rosario, Santa Fe Argentina. I looked after her until she was three years old. I have two small nephews. I have references to Copenhague.




1820 - Norrebro

Om mig

Darling family: I am a Music Therapist, I am 26 years old. I am from Argentina. Recently I live in Copenaghuen, Norrebro. I considere myself a responsible woman. Punctual, trustworthy. I know how to listen very well and I know how to contain and accompany. Purchasing and easier cleaning are also possible. I have a degr ee in Music Therapy and a specialization in Early Stimulation. I have clinical experience with children with or without disabilities, as well as adolescentes and adults with vulnerability of their rights. I worked in mental health insitutions. During the course of my career I worked as a babysitter for the newborn daughter of two teachers from my career in Rosario, Santa Fe Argentina. I looked after her until she was three years old. I have two small nephews. I have references to Copenhague.




1820 - Norrebro

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